What are the different types of CBCL?

What are the different types of CBCL?

There are four types of CBCL, depending on how the cells look under a microscope. Each subtype may look different and need distinct treatments.

  • Primary cutaneous follicle center lymphoma: This is the most common CBCL subtype. It often appears on your head, neck or torso as a reddish-brown, bumpy rash or nodules. This subtype grows slowly, over months or years.
  • Primary cutaneous marginal zone B-cell lymphoma: This slow-growing subtype typically involves pink or red lesions, nodules or tumors. It often develops on your torso or arms.
  • Primary cutaneous diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, leg type: This subtype often appears as one or more tumors or nodules on your legs, arms or torso. It’s less common than the other two types and more aggressive, growing over weeks or months.
  • Primary cutaneous diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, other: This is a very rare but aggressive subtype. Its appearance varies, but it usually starts on your head, torso and extremities (hands and feet).

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