What are the causes of entomophobia?

What are the causes of entomophobia?

Possible causes of entomophobia include:

  • Past traumatic experiences: People who have had a traumatic experience related to insects may develop entomophobia. For example, you or someone you know may have had a severe allergic reaction to a bee sting.
  • Environmental irritations: Some people have itchy skin caused by pollen, mold or household allergens. Persistent irritated skin may lead someone to blame insects.
  • Family history: Your risk of entomophobia increases if you have a close relative or parent with a phobic disorder or anxiety disorder. You may be more anxious than other people if you have a certain gene mutation (change).
  • Modeling: Seeing a person with entomophobia or hearing someone talk about their fear of insects can cause you to have the same phobia.

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