What are the causes of diabetes-related coma?

What are the causes of diabetes-related coma?

Diabetes-related coma is mainly caused by an extremely high or low blood sugar level. One of these conditions is diabetes-related hyperosmolar syndrome. It happens in people with Type 2 diabetes. If you develop this condition:

  • Your blood sugar could be as high as 600 mg/dL.
  • Your urine won’t contain ketones usually.
  • Your blood will be much thicker than normal.

Another condition is diabetes-related ketoacidosis, which is more common in people with Type 1 diabetes. Things to know about this condition include:

  • It could happen with a blood sugar as low as 250 mg/dL or even lower in some cases.
  • Your body uses fatty acids instead of glucose for fuel.
  • Ketones develop in your urine and bloodstream.

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