What are the causes of dentophobia?

What are the causes of dentophobia?

Possible causes of dentophobia include:

  • Family history: Your risk of having a phobia increases if you have a parent or family member with a phobic disorder or anxiety disorder. You may have more anxiety than other people if you have a gene mutation (gene change).
  • Feeling embarrassed: You may feel strange about the dentist or hygienist being so close to your face. You may also feel worried about how your teeth look or how your breath smells.
  • Feeling helpless: The experience of lying in the chair and having your mouth open for an extended period can make you feel a loss of control.
  • Modeling: Hearing someone talk about their fear of dentists can spark the same phobia in you.
  • Past negative experiences: People who have had a negative traumatic experience related to going to the dentist may develop dentophobia. Traumatic experiences may include being afraid of going to the dentist as a child, having dental procedures performed without your consent or having a procedure that caused pain or complications.
  • Traumatic history: A history of abuse, such as bullying, child abuse or sexual violence, can lead to dentophobia.

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