What are the benefits of treatment for congenital hand differences?

What are the benefits of treatment for congenital hand differences?

Each child with a hand difference is unique, and the approach to treatment is based on the child’s individual needs. The main goal and benefit of treatment is to improve the child’s ability to function with the difference. Another aim is to improve the appearance of the hand and support the child’s self-esteem.

Options for treating hand differences include:

  • Stretching
  • Splinting or casting
  • Physical therapy (to help increase strength and function)
  • Prosthetics (in the case of missing parts or bones)
  • Surgery

The outlook for treatment varies with the type and complexity of the difference. When the hand difference is an isolated occurrence, the outlook is generally good. Most children can learn to adapt to their differences. If the difference is part of a syndrome, the outlook depends on the type and extent of the condition.

Keep in mind that treatment cannot "cure" a hand difference, but it can help to improve function and appearance of the hand. A positive attitude and acceptance of the difference – by the child and the parents – are important to treatment success, as well as to the child’s healthy development.

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