What are phobias?

What are phobias?

Phobias are an intense fear of certain situations or objects. Some of these fears may make sense, such as a fear of snakes. But often, the level of fear doesn’t match the situation.

Like with other anxiety disorders, you may spend a lot of time trying to avoid situations that may trigger the phobia.

A specific phobia, or a simple phobia, is an intense fear of a particular object or situation. It may cause you to avoid everyday situations. Some specific phobias include fear of:

  • Animals, such as spiders, dogs or snakes.
  • Blood.
  • Flying.
  • Heights.
  • Injections (shots).

Social anxiety disorder

Healthcare providers used to call this condition social phobia. You may have overwhelming worry and self-consciousness with daily social situations. You may worry about others judging you or you may be anxious that you’ll embarrass yourself or open yourself up to ridicule. People with social anxiety disorder may avoid social situations entirely.


If you have agoraphobia, you may have an intense fear of being overwhelmed or unable to get help. Usually, you have a fear of two or more of these environments:

  • Enclosed spaces.
  • Lines or crowds.
  • Open spaces.
  • Places outside your house.
  • Public transportation.

In severe situations, a person with agoraphobia may not leave the house at all. They’re so terrified of having a panic attack in public that they prefer to stay inside.

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