What are EGPA symptoms?

What are EGPA symptoms?

Because EGPA can affect several different organs, there is a wide range of symptoms.

People who have EGPA may feel generally ill and fatigued or have fevers. They may lose their appetite and lose weight. Other symptoms depend on the organs or diseases involved. For example, you may have:

  • Shortness of breath from asthma or inflammation in the air sacs and blood vessels of the lungs.
  • Chest pain from disease that affects the lungs or heart.
  • Rashes on the skin.
  • Muscle and/or joint pain.
  • Increased nasal discharge (runny nose) or facial pain from sinusitis.
  • Abdominal pain or blood in the stools from intestinal tract involvement.
  • Abnormal feelings, and numbness or loss of strength and feeling from nerve involvement.

You may have any combination of these symptoms.

Kidney disease caused by EGPA often does not have any symptoms. You may not know about inflammation of the kidney until the kidneys begin to stop working. Therefore, if you have any form of vasculitis, you must have regular urinalyses (examinations of the urine).

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