Turning away from coughing and sneezing people on the subway or other public transport can reduce the risk of infection?

Turning away from coughing and sneezing people on the subway or other public transport can reduce the risk of infection?

“Apparently, a much greater danger in public transport is the situation when a person sneezes into his hand and holds on to the handrail,” says Valentin Kovalev. — Note: pediatricians do not get sick indiscriminately, although they communicate with sick children every day. We just wash our hands after examining a sick child. And there is such a recommendation - do not touch your face with dirty hands. If you follow yourself, you will see that it is quite difficult to follow it, a person often involuntarily touches his nose, eyelids. And the contact mechanism of transmission of respiratory viruses is just as important as the aerogenic one.” 

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