Living with alopecia areata

Living with alopecia areata

Apart from drug treatments, there are various cosmetic and protective techniques that people with alopecia can try. These include:

  • Use makeup to hide or minimize hair loss.
  • Wear sunglasses to protect the eyes from the sun and the environment (if there is loss of eyelashes).
  • Wear coverings (wigs, hats, or scarves) to protect the head from the elements.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet. Hair growth is a vitamin- and mineral-dependent process. People on fad diets often have problems with hair loss (although not specifically related to alopecia areata.)
  • Reduce stress. Although never proven through large trials and investigations, many people with new onset alopecia areata have had recent stresses in life, such as work, family, deaths, surgeries, accidents, etc.

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