If I am seeing a new dentist, what essential information do I need to share on the first visit?

If I am seeing a new dentist, what essential information do I need to share on the first visit?

Your new dentist will want to learn about your oral health so that he or she can notice changes or problems more easily during future visits. First, however, even before the review of your oral health, your dentist will want to know more about your general health. Areas that he or she will discuss include:

  • Medical history/current medicines: Your dentist will want to know if you have been diagnosed with any diseases. It is important to tell your dentist all of your health issues, not just those you think relate to your mouth. Several diseases, diabetes for example, can increase the risk of gum disease, may require use of a different anesthesia or even a different approach to treatments or prevention. Bring a list of all medicines you are currently taking and their dosages. Some medicines can cause dry mouth, which can increase your risk of cavities. Other important reasons for your dentist to know your medicines are so that he or she doesn’t prescribe a medicine that could interact with one you are already taking and to change the type of anesthesia given, if necessary.
  • Current dental health: Don’t hesitate to tell your dentist if you think you have a new cavity, sensitive teeth, feel any lumps or bumps or have any oral health concerns. By informing your dentist of any symptoms you might be experiencing, you might help him or her make an early diagnosis.
  • Dental fears: Let your dentist know if you have any fears about going to the dentist or receiving dental care. Dental treatments have changed drastically from years ago and so have pain management options. Your dentist will discuss ways to ease your fears, minimize pain and make you feel more comfortable.

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