How is eczema on nipples diagnosed?

How is eczema on nipples diagnosed?

Usually, providers can diagnose eczema by looking at your skin. Your provider will ask about your symptoms and examine the skin around your nipples. They will also look for signs of eczema on other parts of your body.

If you’re breastfeeding, tell your provider. People with eczema are more likely to get mastitis, an infection in your milk ducts that causes breast pain (mastalgia), redness and swelling.

Your provider may order:

  • Allergy testing, to see if you have an allergy to certain substances or foods.
  • Complete blood count (CBC), to check your blood for infections or other conditions.
  • Skin biopsy, to test your skin for infection and see what kind of dermatitis you have.

Two rare types of breast cancer called Paget’s disease of the breast and inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) can have some of the same symptoms as nipple eczema. If your provider suspects these conditions, they may recommend a mammogram or additional tests.

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