How is dry skin treated?

How is dry skin treated?

Treatment for dry skin focuses on rehydrating or bringing moisture back to your skin. Treatment for dry skin could include:

  • Using moisturizers: Moisturizers are the main form of treatment for most types of dry skin. They smooth and soften dry skin to help prevent cracking and work to recreate your natural skin barrier. Moisturizing products come in ointments, creams, lotions and oils and include ingredients like emollients, which soothe and hydrate your skin, and hyaluronic acid, which increases moisture in your skin
  • Taking medications: For extremely dry skin that’s itchy or prone to cracking, your healthcare provider may prescribe a topical steroid, which acts to decrease the swelling (inflammation) in your skin that causes a rash and itching. In severe cases, oral or injectable medication may be appropriate.

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