How is dermatomyositis treated?

How is dermatomyositis treated?

Dermatomyositis treatments include:

  • Corticosteroids: Corticosteroids will decrease the inflammation in your muscles.
  • Physical therapy: Physical therapy (and exercise in general) can help rebuild damage in your muscles. The stronger your muscles are, the better equipped they are to handle any damage from dermatomyositis.
  • Immunosuppressant medicines: Immunosuppressants stop your immune system from damaging healthy cells and tissues. They can slow down any damage your body’s defenses are causing in your muscles.
  • Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg): IVIg is an infusion of extra immunoglobulin, a naturally occurring element of your blood’s plasma. IVIg treatments can work alongside immunosuppressants, or as an alternate treatment.
  • Speech therapy: If you have muscle weakness in or around your throat, speech therapy can help you strengthen the muscles in your throat that help you swallow.

Which treatments you need depends on where you’re having symptoms, and how severe they are. Talk to your provider about what to expect and when you’ll need certain treatments.

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