How is CHD treated?

How is CHD treated?

Some cases of CHD may heal themselves. Others may remain but don’t require any treatment while others must be treated soon after birth.

Anyone with a heart defect should see a heart specialist (cardiologist) regularly throughout their life. Be sure the cardiologist has training and expertise in congenital heart defects.

Treatment for CHD may involve:

  • Catheter procedure to place a plug into the defect.
  • Medications to help your heart work more efficiently or to control blood pressure.
  • Nonsurgical procedure to close a defect using a closing device.
  • Oxygen therapy, which provides higher levels of oxygen than normal room air would.
  • Prostaglandin E1, which relaxes smooth heart muscle and can keep open the ductus arteriosus (a blood vessel normally closed after birth) helping provide needed circulation.
  • Surgery to repair a defect, open up blood flow or redirect blood. In severe cases, a heart transplant may be necessary.

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