How is anthrax managed or treated?

How is anthrax managed or treated?

Most forms of anthrax respond well to treatment. If you think you’ve been exposed, call your healthcare provider immediately. Fast treatment with antibiotics can stop the infection from developing. Anthrax treatments include:

  • Antibiotics: Oral, injectable or intravenous antibiotics fight infection. You may need antibiotics for 60 days. Commonly used antibiotics include ciprofloxacin (Cipro®) and doxycycline (Doryx®).
  • Antitoxins: These injectable antibody medications neutralize anthrax toxins in the body. Treatment typically includes antibiotics, too.
  • Vaccine: A vaccine to prevent anthrax infection, BioThrax®, also treats infected people. Treatment involves three doses of the vaccine over four weeks. You’ll receive antibiotics at the same time.

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