How is Angelman syndrome treated?

How is Angelman syndrome treated?

There’s no main treatment for Angelman syndrome. Instead, healthcare providers focus treatment on the specific symptoms that each child with Angelman syndrome has. Early diagnosis and treatment are key to helping a child with Angelman syndrome maintain the highest possible quality of life.

Treatment may require the coordinated efforts of a team of specialists, including:

  • Pediatricians.
  • Neurologists.
  • Occupational and physical therapists.
  • Speech-language pathologists.
  • Behavioral therapists.
  • Gastroenterologists.
  • Nutritionists.

Symptom management may include interventions and treatments like:

  • Anti-seizure medications (anticonvulsants) for those who experience seizures.
  • Physical therapy to help with posture, balance and walking issues and to prevent joint stiffness.
  • Use of ankle or foot braces to aid walking.
  • Behavioral therapy and adherence to strict bedtime routines to help sleep disorders.
  • Behavioral modification therapy to help change unwanted behaviors.
  • Communication aids and therapies, such as sign language, gesturing and the use of special computer communication devices for improved learning and social communication.

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