How is a dislocation managed or treated?

How is a dislocation managed or treated?

Treatment can vary based on the severity of the injury and which joint is dislocated. Applying ice and keeping the joint elevated can help reduce pain while you wait to see a doctor. Treatments for dislocations include:

  • Medication: Your doctor may recommend medication to reduce pain from a dislocation
  • Manipulation: A doctor returns the bones to their proper places.
  • Rest: Once the joint is back in place, you may need to protect it and keep it immobile. Using a sling or splint can help the area heal fully.
  • Rehabilitation: Physical therapy exercises strengthen the muscles and ligaments around the joint to help support it.
  • Surgery: Your doctor may recommend surgery if:
    • Manipulation does not work to put the bones back in place.
    • The dislocation damaged blood vessels or nerves.
    • The dislocation damaged bones, tore muscles or ligaments that need repair.

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