How is a dermoid cyst treated?

How is a dermoid cyst treated?

Surgical removal is the only effective treatment for any type of dermoid cyst. The type of surgery depends on the kind of dermoid cyst:

  • Periorbital dermoid cyst: Your provider cleans the area and injects a local anesthetic. They remove the cyst through a small incision. They close the incision with stitches so it can heal with as little scarring as possible.
  • Ovarian dermoid cyst: Your provider may use minimally invasive surgery (ovarian cystectomy) to remove the cyst without removing your ovary. If the cyst is large, you may need removal of both your ovary and the cyst.
  • Spinal dermoid cyst: Your provider will use a surgical microscope and precise instruments (microsurgery) to remove the cyst. During the surgery, you lie face down so your surgeon has good access. You’ll be asleep during the surgery with general anesthesia.

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