How is a corneal abrasion diagnosed?

How is a corneal abrasion diagnosed?

Most people know right away when something scrapes their eye. If the eye hurts afterward, it could be a corneal abrasion. Even a small injury to the cornea can be very painful.

You can give yourself a corneal abrasion without realizing it. This can happen when you try to take out a contact lens, but the lens is not actually on the eye. Rubbing a finger directly on the cornea can cause a small scrape.

It is important to have an injury to the cornea examined by your doctor if:

  • You develop blurry vision after any type of injury to the eye.
  • You have new eye pain which does not resolve within minutes or hours.
  • You feel like something is in your eye, even if you cannot find anything.
  • There actually is something in the eye, such as dirt, small particles, a splinter, etc.
  • The eye is very sensitive to bright light.

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