How is a concussion treated?

How is a concussion treated?

You need physical and mental rest to recover from a concussion. Although you’ll need more rest and sleep than normal, you don’t need 100% complete rest. In fact, research has shown that too much mental rest can actually lengthen the recovery period and make you more sensitive to activities when you return to them.

Instead of stopping activities entirely, learn to recognize the triggers that bring on concussion symptoms. Start back slowly, in small amounts. When symptoms occur, back off and rest. It’s okay to do some of the activities that don’t make you feel worse. Limit any activities that worsen your symptoms.

For example, activities that may bring on symptoms include:

  • Texting/spending time looking at your smartphone screen.
  • Reading.
  • Watching television.
  • Playing video games.
  • Listening to loud music.
  • Doing any physical activity.

As your symptoms improve, you can continue to add more of your activities back into your day.

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