How do you cure anthophobia?

How do you cure anthophobia?

More than 9 in 10 people who have specific phobias improve with exposure therapy, a form of psychotherapy (talk therapy). A mental health professional gradually exposes you to images and situations to help you overcome the fear of flowers.

During exposure therapy, your provider progressively guides you through these steps:

  • Teaches relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercises and meditation to use before and during exposure.
  • Shows images or videos of flowers.
  • Places flowers near you during therapy.
  • Eventually, will have you hold flowers.

Therapists often combine exposure therapy with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This form of talk therapy helps you learn to change your perceptions and responses to situations that cause symptoms.

Medications like anti-anxiety drugs typically aren’t helpful for specific phobias. However, you may take medicine to help you get through certain situations — like attending a wedding that’s sure to have lots of flowers.

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