How do providers treat ear injuries?

How do providers treat ear injuries?

Treatment varies depending on the severity of the injury, what caused it and the area of your ear that’s damaged. Your provider may prescribe antibiotics to prevent or treat infection. Other treatments may include:

  • Draining the blood: If blood pools in your exterior ear, your provider makes a small incision (cut) to drain the blood. They will apply a special bandage that stays in place for several days. This procedure treats a hematoma and can prevent cauliflower ear from developing.
  • Ossiculoplasty: This type of surgery repairs damage to the tiny bones in the ear (ossicles). These bones help you hear.
  • Reconstructive surgery: Plastic (cosmetic) surgeons can repair damage to the exterior ear by reshaping the tissue. Using several reconstructive surgery techniques, they create a more natural ear shape. Plastic surgeons can also replace lost tissue using a skin graft.
  • Stitches: Deep cuts may require stitches or surgical glue to close the wound. Providers use stitches to reattach torn cartilage and repair damage.
  • Tympanoplasty: Many ruptured eardrums heal without treatment. In more serious cases, torn eardrums may need a type of surgery called tympanoplasty to patch the tear.

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