How do I manage allergic asthma?

How do I manage allergic asthma?

The main goal of treating allergic asthma is to control the condition. Your healthcare provider will work with you to develop ways to manage allergic asthma. Some things your provider may work with you on include:

  • Learning how to identify triggers. Your provider will help you figure out what is triggering your asthma and find ways to either avoid or manage these allergens. Often, these triggers are found in your environment. Once you know what they are, you can manage your interactions with them.
  • Finding the best medication for you. Not every medication is a perfect fit. Your provider will work with you to find which medication will control your asthma symptoms without causing negative side effects. There are many types of medications for allergic asthma (often given through inhalers). Take the time to work with your provider to see what works best for you.
  • Developing an action plan. It’s important to have a plan in place that helps you know when to take certain medications, what to do if the medications aren’t working and who to call in those situations.

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