How can I reduce my risk of getting an esophageal disorder?

How can I reduce my risk of getting an esophageal disorder?

GERD, or acid reflux, can lead to other, more serious esophageal disorders. You can take these steps to prevent or reduce GERD and esophageal problems:

  • Avoid eating late at night and allow at least three hours between eating and lying down.
  • Cut back on spicy, fatty, tomato-based or citrus foods, as well as caffeinated and carbonated drinks.
  • Eat smaller meals throughout the day, take your time when eating and stop eating a few hours before sleep.
  • Limit alcohol consumption and seek help to quit smoking or stop using tobacco products.
  • Raise the head of your bed or elevate your head on a pillow when sleeping.
  • Stay physically active and maintain a healthy weight.

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