How can I prevent anthrax?

How can I prevent anthrax?

The anthrax vaccine is 90% effective at preventing infection. The vaccine is only available to people between the ages of 18 and 65 who work in high-risk professions. You receive five doses of the vaccine over 18 months. Afterward, you’ll need an annual booster shot. The vaccine also stops infection if you’ve knowingly been exposed to anthrax. In the United States, livestock that graze in anthrax-prone areas, such as certain parts of Texas, receive a different anthrax vaccine made for animals.

The anthrax vaccine isn’t available to the general public. If you’re traveling to an area known to have anthrax problems, you should not:

  • Eat raw or undercooked meat.
  • Handle or buy souvenirs made with animal hide or hair.
  • Pet or touch animals.

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