How can I fix diastasis recti?

How can I fix diastasis recti?

To fix diastasis recti, you'll need to perform gentle movements that engage the abdominal muscles. Before starting an exercise program, be sure it's safe for diastasis recti. Work with a fitness professional or physical therapist who has experience with diastasis recti. They can create a treatment plan to make sure you are performing the movements correctly and progressing to more challenging movements at the right time.

Certain movements will make abdominal separation worse. During the postpartum period, there are some modifications you should make:

  • Avoid lifting anything heavier than your baby.
  • Roll onto your side when getting out of bed or sitting up. Use your arms to push yourself up.
  • Skip activities and movements that push your abdominals outward (like crunches and sit-ups).

Some people use binding devices (elastic belly bands) to help hold their belly in and support the lower back. Wearing binders can't heal diastasis recti and will not strengthen your core muscles. It can be a good reminder of your diastasis recti and promote good posture.

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