How are epidermal inclusion cysts treated?

How are epidermal inclusion cysts treated?

In many cases, epidermal inclusion cysts can be left untreated and monitored, as they are not dangerous, and especially if they are not causing any symptoms.

If a cyst becomes inflamed or painful, your healthcare provider may consider treating the epidermal inclusion cyst with:

  • Injection of steroid medication - to reduce swelling, which may help temporarily.
  • Incision and drainage - your healthcare provider will make a small opening over the cyst and release the collection of drainage within the cyst.
  • Surgical excision - The cyst is usually removed using an injection of local anesthetic to numb your skin. This procedure will leave a small line scar after the cyst is removed.

Do not try to burst and drain the cyst yourself, as it could cause and/or spread an infection, and the cyst will likely grow back.

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