How are dust mite allergies treated?

How are dust mite allergies treated?

The most effective way to treat dust mite allergies is to eliminate as many dust mites as possible from your home.

Your healthcare provider may also recommend medicine to lessen the symptoms of your dust mite allergies. You may be prescribed:

  • Antihistamines to relieve sneezing, runny and stuffed nose, and itching in the nose and eyes
  • Nasal corticosteroids to reduce swelling in your nose and block allergic reactions
  • Cromolyn sodium nose spray to block the release of chemicals that cause allergy symptoms, including histamine and leukotrienes
  • Leukotriene antagonists, pills which can improve both allergy and asthma symptoms
  • Decongestant pills, liquids
  • Allergy shots
  • Dust mite sublingual immunotherapy in which tablets of dust mite purified protein are placed under the tongue, which may prevent and decrease symptoms of dust mite allergies

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