How are diabetes-related foot ulcers treated?

How are diabetes-related foot ulcers treated?

Care for diabetes-related foot pain may involve a doctor who specializes in the feet, called a podiatrist. Treatment may include:

  • Cleaning the wound.
  • Draining any fluid or pus from the ulcer.
  • Removing or cutting away dead or infected tissue (called debridement).
  • Applying special bandages and ointments to absorb extra fluid, protect the wound and help it heal.
  • Prescribing a wheelchair or crutches to take weight off the affected foot (called offloading).
  • Prescribing oral or IV antibiotics to control and eliminate infection.

Depending on how severe the infection is, your healthcare provider may recommend hospitalization. Sometimes amputation is necessary to prevent infection from spreading to other parts of the body.

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