How are desmoid tumors treated?

How are desmoid tumors treated?

Specific treatment depends on several factors, including the size and location of the tumor and your personal preferences. Because desmoid tumors can potentially grow into surrounding structures, much like cancerous growths, they’re often treated in a similar fashion. Common desmoid tumor treatments include:

  • Surveillance of the tumor. If your desmoid tumor isn’t causing symptoms, your healthcare provider may simply monitor the growth. Some desmoid tumors never grow and may not require treatment at all.
  • Surgery. Sometimes it’s possible to remove the entire desmoid tumor. This is recommended when the tumor causes troublesome symptoms, such as pain or loss of function. In other instances, only part of the tumor may be removed, especially if it has already invaded nearby structures.
  • CryoablationThis procedure uses extreme cold to kill targeted tissue. It’s commonly used for certain types of cancer — including cancers of the lung, liver and prostate — but it’s also effective when treating desmoid tumors.
  • ChemotherapyOral or intravenous chemotherapy drugs may be used to shrink or eliminate desmoid tumors.
  • Radiation therapyThis treatment uses high-powered X-ray beams to kill problematic cells. Radiation therapy may be used as a standalone treatment or in combination with surgery.
  • Targeted drug therapy. If other treatments are unsuccessful, targeted drug therapy may be recommended. This approach uses medications to identify and fight certain types of cells.

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