Can you prevent epithelial ovarian cancer?

Can you prevent epithelial ovarian cancer?

Studies show that people who take the pill (a form of hormonal birth control) for five or more years may cut their risk of ovarian cancer in half.

Certain surgical procedures may also lower cancer risk. Surgery to prevent cancer is called prophylactic surgery. This involves the removal of your fallopian tubes and ovaries with or without a hysterectomy. This is considered in people who are at high risk due to family history (like those who have a BRCA mutation or Lynch syndrome). However, experts advise taking these actions only if medically necessary. Removing your ovaries can bring on early menopause, which has its own effects on your body.

These procedures don’t completely eliminate cancer risk. Some people may already have undetected cancer when surgery takes place.

People with BRCA gene mutations can still get primary peritoneal cancer after removal of their fallopian tubes and ovaries. Ask your healthcare provider if you should have a BRCA test to find out if you have the BRCA gene.

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