Are there serious complications that can result from anhidrosis?

Are there serious complications that can result from anhidrosis?

Severe cases of anhidrosis, where most or all of your body doesn’t sweat, may result in serious heat-related illnesses including:

  • Heat exhaustion: Signs and symptoms are weakness, nausea, rapid heartbeat after strenuous activity in hot weather. Treatments include moving to a cooler place, drinking water, applying cool compresses or taking a cool shower.
  • Heatstroke: This is an extremely dangerous, life-threatening condition in which your body temperature rises to 103 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Heatstroke can cause confusion, loss of consciousness, coma and even death. Call 911 or take the person to the hospital. Move into shade, remove unnecessary clothing and cool the person (use ice packs, sponge with cool water, apply cool wet towels, spray down their body with a hose).

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