Are there different types of esotropia?

Are there different types of esotropia?

There are different ways of classifying esotropia, including:

Esotropia classification by age

In this case, the breakdown is between congenital (infantile) esotropia, which is present at birth or by six months of age, and acquired esotropia, which happens after birth.

Esotropia classification by how often it happens

In this case, you would either have intermittent esotropia, which isn’t permanent, and constant esotropia, which is present all the time.

Up to about six months, it’s normal for a child to have some intermittent esotropia, or some occasional inward turning of their eye.

Esotropia classification by how it’s treated (with or without glasses)

Healthcare providers can treat accommodative esotropia with glasses or contact lenses. Accommodative esotropia happens when you strain too hard to be able to focus.

If glasses can’t fully correct your esotropia, your healthcare provider may say that you have partially accommodative esotropia. They may recommend strabismus surgery to correct the crossing that’s not controlled by glasses.

Your healthcare provider won’t be able to correct nonaccommodative esotropia with glasses. They may suggest surgery.

Esotropia that isn’t really esotropia (pseudoesotropia)

Pseudoesotropia (false esotropia) is a condition that appears to be esotropia but isn’t. Your baby may look like it has inward-looking eyes but the effect is caused by a combination of a flat bridge of their nose and extra skin covering the inner corners of their eyes (epicanthal folds). This appearance will improve as your child grows older.

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