Are there different types of androgen insensitivity syndrome?

Are there different types of androgen insensitivity syndrome?

There are three types of AIS:

  • Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS): A person’s external genital appears female. But they don’t have female sex organs (no ovaries, fallopian tubes or uterus). People with CAIS are often raised as girls.
  • Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (PAIS): A person’s external genitals may appear partially (not fully) developed male or female or may not be clearly one or the other. People with PAIS are often raised as boys, but not always.
  • Mild androgen insensitivity syndrome (MAIS): A person’s genitals appear male, but they’re usually infertile. Some experts consider MAIS a type of PAIS.

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